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This site gathers high-quality academic research on radicalisation and makes it easily accessible for policymakers, journalists, and anyone else whose work deals with this area. The VERE (Violent Extremism Research and Evidence) repository, developed by NATO and DSTL is also hosted on the site.

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Critical Studies on Terrorism

Racial control under the guise of terror threat: policing of US Muslim, Arab, and SWANA communities

5 March 2023
Using an analysis of U.S. government policies that have had high impacts on the personal safety and freedom of movement and expression of Arabs, Muslims, and others of Southwest Asian and North African (SWANA) origins living in or seeking to migrate to the US…
Critical Studies on Terrorism

A framing-sensitive approach to militant groups’ tactics: the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine and the radicalisation of violence during the Second Intifada

14 February 2023
Middle East
Causes of radicalisation
Border vigilante/Militia activity, the National Security State, and the Migrant “Threat”
7 February 2023
Blackness after 9/11: topographies of race and counter-terror at the 9/11 memorial museum
3 February 2023
Rethinking the Beirut bombing, rethinking terrorism: theorising counterviolence
1 February 2023
The cultural construction of sympathiser social identities in the Islamic state’s virtual ecosystem: an analysis of the politics of naming
3 January 2023