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Al Qa'ida-influenced radicalisation: A rapid evidence assessment

Policy documents

Home Office logoThis is not primary research, but is included on for two reasons (1) it is a summary of contemporary research on al Qaeda influenced radicalisation, which readers will find useful and (2) it provides an insight into the research which has influenced the UK Government's Home Office.

The report was compiled based on 15 studies (out of an identified 16,582 potential documents) which the authors felt had a sufficient evidence-base. In fact, one of their key findings was that the evidence-base for much research on radicalisation is weak. Another key finding is that there are no vulnerability 'profiles', though there are factors of vulnerability (patterns of attributes which may be markers of indicative of radicalisation).

Publisher's description

This report employs a criminological framework (Situational Action Theory) to understand vulnerability and resilience to Al Qa’ida influenced violent extremism; and distinguishes between indicators and causal factors of criminal and violent behaviour. It also explores what transferable knowledge can be applied from youth gangs, new religious movements and violent radical activism.

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