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Evaluating interventions to disengage extremist offenders: a study of the proactive integrated support model (PRISM)


Journal abstract
The literature recognises that the evaluation of interventions to counter violent extremism (CVE) has been neglected. This paper fills this gap by providing results from a study of a disengagement programme in the Australian state of New South Wales. The Proactive Integrated Support Model (PRISM) is a pilot intervention delivered by Corrective Services NSW aimed at prison inmates who have a conviction for terrorism or have been identified as at risk of radicalisation. PRISM is delivered by a team of allied health staff and a Religious Support Officer who work with other stakeholders and professionals. This paper looks at early results of the PRISM intervention focusing on a range of issues, which include client engagement and the content of intervention plans, self-reported motivations to participate in the intervention, benefits of participation, tackling the ideological component of violent extremism, connection to the community corrections context, and implementation challenges. Data is derived from interviews with programme staff, corrective services personnel and also clients of the intervention (i.e. convicted terrorist and radicalised inmates and parolees). Results are linked to existing literature on disengagement and implications for CVE programme evaluation are highlighted. Limitations in the study design are acknowledged.

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