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Debating the issues

Debate is committed to bringing high-quality research on issues relating to radicalisation to a wider audience amongst the policy and media sectors.  This does not mean, however, that there is always a consensus within Academia about these issues. is not aligned to any particular school of thought or policy platform. Academic research frequently differs in the definitions, methods and conclusions of its works and the discussions and debates that accompany these differences are part of what contributes to high quality research.  This section, Expert Opinions, exists to highlight and discuss some of these differences, so that users of the site are able to make informed decisions about the kinds of debates that influence the research presented here.

We welcome contributions to this ongoing discussion, which you can email to the Editor for inclusion on the site.

Articles are submitted to a review process involving the Advisory Board, to ensure that offensive or unsuitable material is withheld. The views expressed by authors are not necessarily representative of which is, nevertheless, committed to allowing a full range of diverging opinions to be heard.

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