Decoding the New Taliban is a timely work, showing the movement across Afghanistan and Pakistan today. Of particular note is Claudio Franco's treatment of the Tehrik-e Taliban in Pakistan, one of the first in print to cover this newest development. Areas covered are Kabul, Logar, Wardak, Paktia, Ghazni, Helmand, Uruzgan, Zabul, Herat, Farah, Badghis, Ghor, Kunar and parts of the North. Joanna Nathan's chapter on 'Reading the Taliban' is also particularly useful as it shows the grievances of the Taliban movement vis-a-vis the regime and their means of making these known to the Afghan population, helping to build up grass roots support. Although Antonio Giustozzi describes understanding the Taliban as 'still very much work in progress', this book goes a long way to cast light on the Taliban movement of today. This book, then, is a must read for anyone wishing to know more about the contemporary Taliban movement and why it is as it is.
Decoding the New Taliban: Insights from the Afghan Field
2 December 2010
Religious Extremism, Religiosity and Sympathy toward the Taliban among Students across Madrassas and Worldly Education Schools in Pakistan
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