Humans have a consuming desire for social interaction. Consequently, if a member is ostracised from a group, this can have huge implications for their well-being. Once ostracised, individuals may try to fortify their social needs by seeking out accepting groups. Research suggests that this makes individuals prone to social influence and joining negative groups. This paper evaluates current ostracism research, and discusses its implications with regard to identity and the radicalisation process. The aim was to highlight the risk factors that arose from the societal exclusion of Muslims through Islamophobia following 9/11, and the increase in homegrown terrorism with regards to ostracism research. It concludes that future research and counter-terrorism strategies must consider ostracism as a factor in the radicalisation process.
The Recruitment and Radicalisation of Western Citizens: Does Ostracism Have a Role in Homegrown Terrorism?
29 December 2014
Poverty and “Economic Deprivation Theory”: Street Children, Qur’anic Schools/almajirai and the Dispossessed as a Source of Recruitment for Boko Haram and other Religious, Political and Criminal Groups in Northern Nigeria
Why Beliefs Always Matter, But Rarely Help Us Predict Jihadist Violence: The Role Of Cognitive Extremism As A Precursor For Violent Extremism
‘Sometimes You Just Have To Try Something’ - A Critical Analysis Of Danish State-Led Initiatives Countering Online Radicalisation
The geography of pre-criminal space: epidemiological imaginations of radicalisation risk in the UK Prevent Strategy, 2007–2017